When we get B.L.A.S.T.E.D. (Bored, Lonely, Angry, Sad, Tired, Eager/Anxious, and Distressed) we often look to food or drink. Here's a list of ideas to keep you moving towards your goals...
~ Turn up some music and vacuum and dance a little
~ Imagine a healthier, energetic you
~ Walk around the block
~ Call a friend
~ Make a list of your top ten reasons to lose weight
~ Read a book
~ Make a to do list
~ Dance a little
~ Plan a vacation
~ Get a massage
~ Jot a thank you note to someone
~ Go to bed early
~ Write in your journal
~ Give yourself a manicure and pedicure
~ Plan a healthy meal for your family
~ Surf the internet
~ Finish an unfinished project
~ Walk your dog
~ Feel your feelings
~ Volunteer in your community
~ Start a hobby
~ Brush your teeth
~ Tape your favorite show to watch while exercising
~ Take 10 deep, slow, cleansing breaths
~Practice an instrument
~Balance your checkbook
~Plan a party
~Buy yourself some flowers
~Do some situps
~Message someone you like
~Chop some veggies/food prep to keep on hand
~Set your priorities
~Try a new hairstyle
~Give a massage
~Write down something you are proud of this week
~Clean out a junk drawer
~Play a game with your kids
~Try a new route on your walk
~Scream. hahaha!
~Plant fresh herbs to use in your cooking
~Drink a glass of water in a goblet
~Kiss someone
~Try on some new clothes
~Look at old pictures
~Smell the roses
~Wash your car
~Chew some gum
~Drink a hot cup of tea
~Plan a date with someone special
~Take a hot soothing bath
~Update your calendar
~Get it off your chest and vent
~Call your coach
~Build something
~Check on an elderly person
~Yard work
~Start your holiday shopping list
~Count your blessings
~Write a letter
~Fold some laundry
~Notice your inner conversations
~Take a nap
~Run an errand
~Work on your budget
~Take a bike ride
~Check your email
~Make a positive statement about yourself and repeat often
~Give your dog a bath
~ Start a project your been wanting to get around to
~Send a birthday card
~Try a new healthy recipe
~Listen to a Habits of Health Zoom on YouTube
~Read a chapter in the Dr A's Habits of Health book
~Play cards
~Write and set your goals and list WHY
~Freshen your makeup
~Hug someone
~Rearrange some furniture
~Go take a hike in nature
~Help with homework
~Light some candles
~Have a fire in your firepit
~Say STOP! out loud
~Organize your photos
~Walk around your workplace
~Try a new relaxation technique
~Get a head start on your taxes
~Make a honey-do list
~Go pick up your mail
~Straighten a closet
~Bag up your clothes that are too big for you and donate
~Do a random act of kindness
~Check the stock market
~Plan a romantic night out
~Clean out a file
~Tell someone how you feel about them
~When you are TRULY, PHYSICALLY hungry, then eat!
Plug into the community of support and share your favorite ideas!
eHealth Challenge Tip: Visualization
Like an athlete preparing for a big game, you can use visualization to rehearse the behavior and outcome you’d like to have happen. Use your imagination to mentally “see” yourself politely declining the offer of a second helping, explaining to a family member that you’re going to pass on cocktails, or getting up to dance when the desserts are passed around.
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