Persist in overcoming obstacles
The smallest amount of neglect can lead to the biggest of failures. Your journey to a healthier you will present you will obstacles and challenges. How you respond to these barriers will determine how high you climb on the mountain of optimal health.
If you get frustrated and make excuses on why you shouldn’t continue the journey, you’ll stay where you’re comfortable. Don’t make excuses or get comfortable with ordinary success or you’ll be back to rafting the river and living an ordinary life in no time.
Increase your exercise intensity and amount of activity over time and you’ll get stronger and gain more endurance with continued persistence. Seek out the help of a personal health coach, personal trainer or other health professional to guide you on how to build more lean muscle mass and improved cardiovascular health.
If you get stronger you’ll be able to climb bigger mountains and achieve bigger goals. Many successful people who have seen success in achieving their goals train for cardiovascular and musculoskeletal strength to rehabilitate, condition, enhance, and protect the very organs that help their bodies to allow them to achieve future goals.
This effort consistently challenges them to go above and beyond what’s usual, regular and customary in their exercise routine and enables them to live an extraordinary life. What can you do to enhance or improve your exercise routine?
There are so many different types of resistance training exercises to choose from. Here our list of the top 10 favorites...
- Walking. Just get out and enjoy the outdoors! Make sure you have the proper shoes and attire for the season as you don’t have to know a lot of science behind this exercise. Over time you can begin timing yourself and challenge yourself to pick up the pace or add new routes with more challenging terrain. Add minutes to each walk until you build up to a solid 45 minute walk. If the weather is cold, then walk in the mall or on a treadmill.
- Invest in an athletic club/gym membership. Take advantage of all the classes, trainers, facilities (hot tubs, steam rooms, pool, etc.). It’s only an expense if you don’t use it! A membership is an investment in your well being. The biggest expense is the time you don’t use it and trade it for an unhealthy activity.
- In-home exercise equipment. Before investing, make sure you are committed to using it! Treadmills, home gyms with weights, bicycles, stretch bands, bar bells, etc. are all great if they are utilized. Do your “homework” to decide what will work for you.
- Exercise Videos and Games. There are lots to choose from or borrow from a friend. These games can keep you engaged in your routine regardless of the weather but they do require self discipline so use the buddy system to stay accountable to your goals.
- Exercise Ball. Can be purchased at many stores (Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, sporting goods stores). They are easy to use and they usually come with an instructional video or exercise booklet.
- A hardback chair can be used as support for arm and leg exercises:
- Sit on the tip of the chair; hand on either side of the seat, supporting the body. Now allow the buttocks to lower in front of the chair, bending your knees and using your arms to control your movement. Dip your buttocks down and raise it up using your arms.
- Stand behind the chair, using the back for support while you lift your leg forward and down then back and down and repeat 12 times each leg.
- Sit on the tip of the chair; hand on either side of the seat, supporting the body. Now allow the buttocks to lower in front of the chair, bending your knees and using your arms to control your movement. Dip your buttocks down and raise it up using your arms.
- The stairs. These are excellent to strengthen calf muscles by standing with the balls of your feet on the edge of the step and simply lower and raise your heels. To strengthen the thighs, travel up and down the steps 1-20 times. Skip a step for more of a challenge.
- Food cans found in your pantry are great substitutions for hand weights. This may seem a bit remedial for an avid exerciser but it’s a great place to start for a beginner. Grab a can in each hand and practice curling your arms up, keeping your elbows near your hips and bring cans up towards shoulders. Repeat 12 times and add more repetitions as tolerated. Then start at your shoulders and push straight up towards the ceiling for 12 reps initially.
- Bicycling is a wonderful exercise and works both your heart and muscles! Find a safe path and get out and ride!
- Books. Just go visit your local book store, find the fitness/exercise isle, and you will find a plethora of ideas and knowledge. Just remember that it more important to do some sort of exercise daily and it’s best to mix it up! Don’t get bogged down by the same old routine daily!
Don't forget to include your family and friends as most want to be more active but they need someone to ask them! Having a buddy will help you stay on track and committed!
Plug into the community of support and share your questions, victories and tips with others!
eHealth Challenge Tip: Strut your stuff
Be a role model for healthier living to those around you. Demonstrate the secrets of successful life-long maintainers by balancing moderate indulgences with wise nutrition/food choices and increased physical activity.
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