It can be easy in the hustle and bustle of life to lose focus on the importance of gratitude and this can lead to more stress. With commitments to family, friends, work, and so much happening in our lives we can quickly become burnt out.
Here’s 4 steps to get re-centered...
Step 1: Smile. When you smile, your whole face literally lights up. Your inner radiance shines through. Your eyes begin to twinkle and spark. You will immediately lift up those around you. Gift everyone you meet with a smile. Your world will immediately change.
Step 2: Love everyone. Whether it’s your child or partner in the morning, your co-workers, taxi driver, the person sitting next to you on the plane….when you look upon another being this week, silently wish them well. Send good tidings with your thoughts, words and deeds.
Step 3: Offer compliments and thank-yous. Seeking out the good in others puts you in a more positive mindset. Look someone in the eye, smile and offer a sincere “thank you” for a simple thing, such as opening a door for you, teaching you a yoga class, or hosting a party. Or pick one thing that was especially meaningful and compliment them.
Step 4: Practice gratitude Instead of getting annoyed with the crowds at the mall, train your inner muscle of positivity and find something to be thankful for—indoor heating, for example. Try to see the goodness in every experience. Practice makes perfect, so try to take these four steps and be grateful!
Plug into the community of support and share some encouragement or something you're grateful for and ask others what they're grateful for to pass it on!
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eHealth Challenge Tip: Hectic schedule?
There never seems to be enough time to plan, clean, shop, and cook. Manage your time by writing out your daily schedule before your events. Determine what you can do in specific time frames and only commit to what you know you can accomplish. Grab and go snacks and portion controlled meal replacements are great during busy times because they are quick, convenient options that taste delicious and provide your body the good nutrition it needs and deserves!
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